Our Toy Station was successfully launched at the end of June 2023 at the Addi Road Community Organisation's Food Pantry!

The goals of this project are to:
Support our community by offering free quality toys and books for children of all backgrounds to enjoy.
Foster a culture of toy reuse to minimise waste and promote sustainability.
Most importantly, bring joy to children, families and our wider community
This initiative has been months in the making, and we are incredibly grateful for the support and assistance we have received from the dedicated team at Addi Road, and many more of our friends and supporters.
Where to find it?
You will be able to find the Toy Station at the Addi Road Food Pantry.
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 12 noon – 4 pm
Open Wednesday 12 noon – 7 pm
Addison Road Community Centre 142 Addison Road, Marrickville
Hut 1, the building covered in solar panels facing our big carpark. Get directions

Can I give my toys?
We encourage everyone to donate their toys directly to Joy of Giving. Addi Road does not process any toy drop-offs. You can always register with us and drop off your toys at our locations in Artarmon or Ultimo. https://www.joyofgiving.net/get-involved